A few of our favorite Toss-timonials

To test BeamOs new flying disk, we took two to a pre-school graduation picnic...and all heck broke loose! Everyone – from the youngest toddler to ponytailed grandpas – instantly had to get their hands on these giant-but-lightweight toys ... we’ve never seen a toy generate so much excitement so quickly with so many people of so many different ages.

We had a blast playing with this.
We used it to try and ring people’s legs
while they were swinging.
Kids from 4 to 12 had fun!

Our testers, even the youngest of them, loved sailing around the yard; the older ones went for distance records (the ring’s stiff foam edge lets you really wing it), while the younger set engaged in a sort of human ringtoss.

These large, donut-shaped hoops
were a big hit at both the
Home-Education Conference
and the family campout.

The inner hoop is actually a soft, elastic ring that had us feeling compelled to catch the BeamO around our necks. As the games continued, it was even noted that, when tossed straight up into the air, the BeamO made a great target to throw footballs through ... bigger is definitely better.

My mom’s interaction with my 6-year-old son
barely qualifies as sedate...
maybe an occasional game of cards or Scrabble.
Once they got their hands on a BeamO,
they were actively involved for hours.
It’s the best toy I’ve ever seen.


© 2008 Stuff Design, Inc. • BeamO and BeamO2 are trademarks of Stuff Design, Inc.